Why Gold
Our skin care products contain real 24 karat Italian gold
Hollywood Gold 24K skin care products contain real 24 karat gold because no other ingredient could provide more benefit to your skin. With the naked eye you can’t see evidence of gold in Hollywood Gold 24K luxury skin care products but be guaranteed it is there with an abundance of nano-sized pure gold particles in colloidal suspension.

Gold has been coveted by many civilizations throughout history for much more than its value as a currency or adornment. The records show that gold has been recognized for its healing, and restorative properties to the human body since ancient times. The Chinese doctors recognized the benefits gold provided to the body more than 2000 years ago. Doctors in medieval centuries used gold in their potions. Modern medical science is just beginning to recognize some benefits of gold, and it is used today in the targeted treatment of diseases like cancer and several other diseases. Gold’s timeless benefits have not been ignored by beautiful women in history. Cleopatra is rumored to have enhanced and maintained her complexion and kept youthful, beautiful, and glowing skin by wearing a close fitting gold mask and wrapping her body in gold foil every night during sleep. Archaeologists have discovered similar masks were in use in past and forgotten civilizations everywhere around the world. Gold has long been recognized and historically utilized as a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and antibiotic.
Hollywood Gold 24K skin care products contain real 24 karat gold because no other ingredient could provide more benefit to your skin. With the naked eye you can’t see evidence of gold in Hollywood Gold 24K luxury skin care products but be guaranteed it is there with an abundance of nano-sized pure gold particles in colloidal suspension. We use the purest high quality 24K Italian gold obtainable and in our laboratories reduce it to very small gold particles with sizes less than 130 nanometer (about 0.0000051 inches) in the largest dimension. These nano-sized gold particles are then put into a liquid, usually purified water, and though metallic gold is considered soluble, because of the very small near molecular sizes of the nano-size particles, they exhibit Brownian motion similar to the natural motion of the water molecules, and the result is a 24K gold colloidal solution we can use to add homogeneously distributed gold to almost any of our skin care products. You can be assured the entire surface of your skin will be uniformly covered with gold nano-sized particles everywhere Hollywood Gold 24K products are applied.
Nano-size is important because at this size the gold particles can cross cellular boundaries
and actually enter skin cells
Nano-size is important because at this size the gold particles can cross cellular boundaries and actually enter skin cells and this is how the real magic of gold begins to transform your skin. Inside the skin cells, gold ions stimulate nerves, blood vessels, the nervous and circulatory systems, and become catalysts for reactions with other ingredients in Hollywood Gold 24K formulations with even greater results. The dermatologists and chemists who design the product formulations use the gold for maximum benefit to your skin. When other minerals are added to our products, for instance South Sea Pearl, these will also be added as nano-sized particles in colloidal suspension for similar function and benefit. As your skin’s cells react to this technology you can see wrinkles and lines disappear and be replaced by toned, smooth, youthful, glowing skin. The gold in Hollywood Gold 24K luxury skin care products provides many benefits to your skin:
- Basal skin cells are activated to become less elastic which in turn reduces fine lines, wrinkles, and spot. The result is skin that looks and feels younger.
- Gold ions stimulate cells and nerves to improve blood circulation, increase cellular metabolism and the secretion of waste resulting in healthier skin.
- Dry skin results in the appearance of premature aging. Increased cellular metabolism through regular use of colloidal gold increases moisture and reduces dryness, thus preventing prematurely aged skin.
- Gold molecules inside the skin cells lighten and brighten the complexion and create a youthful beautiful glow.
- Your body produces collagen for use to keep tissue flexible. Natural collagen is a major constituent of skin and is responsible for a soft smooth texture. Collagen production within the body decreases with age and the skin is first to show the signs of depletion in collagen when changes generally begin to be noticed around the age of 25. Gold in skincare creams and serums can slow down the depletion of collagen in your skin cells.
- Exposure to the sunlight stimulates the production of melanin in the skin. Melanin production is responsible for tanning, freckles and dark spots and pigmentation in the skin. Regular use of skin care products containing gold reduces the production of melanin with exposure to sunlight.
- Antioxidant properties present in gold helps to increase blood circulation and can lead to reduction in acne and other skin allergies. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties in gold help oxygen to enter into the skin to aid renewal of the cells. This rejuvenates the skin and helps treat inflammatory disorders.
- The naturally occurring loss of elastin in the skin with age can result in loose and sagging skin. Gold can slow or stop the process and gradually and restore the elasticity of the tissues preventing further sagging. Gold increases the elasticity of the skin making it firm and toned.
In summary, gold improves blood circulation and helps hydrate and maintain the skin’s moisture level. The small particles of gold get absorbed into the skin imparting a rich glow. This makes the skin healthy, fresh and radiant. Gold not only gives a beautiful, glowing and youthful skin but is also beneficial in many ways. It slows down the collagen depletion, increases skin’s elasticity, lightens the skin’s complexion, stimulates the cells making the skin firm, and prevents wrinkles and premature aging.